ODA Charter Unanimously Renewed!

On the heels of another restful Thanksgiving break, our school community has special reason to give thanks. Earlier this month, the San Mateo County Office of Education board voted unanimously (7-0) to renew the Oxford Day Academy charter for another five years. We are thrilled to have the opportunity to continue learning and growing ...

ODA Wins Unanimous Charter Approval

AUG 2016. Thanks to the energy and support of our community, ODA won charter approval in August 2016 from the San Mateo County Office of Education with a unanimous (7-0) vote.

Profile of the ODA Model

JUL 2016. The San Jose Mercury News shares how ODA is revolutionizing the high school experience by channeling the methods of one of the most prestigious universities in the world.

ODA Receives a Nod From the White House

NOV 2015. ODA has been called out in the White House's Next Generation Learning summit as a promising new approach to education. Click on the link above to read the White House press release describing ODA and other parties receiving recognition.