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Parent Powered Child Care Solutions

Parent-Powered Child Care Solutions for Families
Families in Silicon Valley are facing a renewed crisis of child care. As schools extend distance learning into the fall, the demand for new, pandemic-driven child care spaces will balloon by the tens of thousands over the next few months.

While school systems, child care providers, and county leaders are moving quickly to help close the child care gap, the realities of limited funding, facility space and staffing present significant barriers to finding a systemic child care solution.

The Parent-Powered Solutions initiative provides quick tips about child care to families through their trusted communities (PTA/PTOs and other parent organizing groups, places of worship, support agencies, and other institutions to whom they look for guidance) that will empower families to create and secure child care until school resumes in a post-pandemic world.

Community Equity Collaborative will work with partners to distribute this resource throughout their networks, with the goal of engaging at least 75 community groups (representing 7,500 families) in Silicon Valley.
To Access the Flyer
Simply click on the flyer and your browser will take you to a downloadable pdf version.
For More Information
Including how to access a Santa Clara County version of the flyer, contact Heather Hopkins at or 650.283.5112.


Parent-Powered Solutions to Child Care Flyer (English)

SPANISH Parent-Powered Solutions to Child Care (Español)

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