Patrisha Ragins
Patrisha Ragins has been working with San Mateo County family-oriented programs since 1993. During her 25 years of working for San Mateo County, Patrisha has worn various hats. She began as a Volunteer Peer Counselor for Prenatal Advantage Black Infant Health Project in 1992. Her focus was to provide emotional support for the pregnant African American mothers in the program.
In September of 2001, she was hired to run the Reclaiming Fatherhood Program which primarily targeted fathers with children up to age 5. Patrisha ran all aspects of the program which included running weekly group meetings, parenting classes, assistance with personal and legal issues and assistance to getting them back to school and or job or vocational trainings.
She was later hired as a Community Program Specialist II in Prenatal to Three Initiative, and has been and continues to provide services to the pregnant African American women of San Mateo County in efforts to improve the health disparities and birth outcomes in African American mothers. Patrisha is also very much involved in her community she’s a board member/ volunteer with The Baby Basics Program of the Mid-Peninsula where she gives out diapers to the working poor families in the community she’s been volunteering in this capacity for 5 years. Patrisha is the Treasurer at her church. Calvary Temple Church of God in Christ, she also serves as the children’s Sunday school teacher and the youth director. Patrisha is on the San Mateo boards and Commissions for the County Supervisors office- Mental Health Substance Abuse Recovery Commission. She also serves on the One East Palo Alto Behavioral Health Advisory Group.